Nebulizing Vitamin C

Nebulizing is an effective delivery system for treating asthma and other respiratory symptoms, including coughs due to colds, flu, bronchitis, RSV, Pertussis (Whooping Cough), etc...

Nebulizing Vitamin C is a fairly new treatment option for this group and it's rapidly becoming more and more popular because there is plenty of anecdotal evidence from our members who have had great success using this method along with oral dosing of Vitamin C. (You can use the group search bar to find past posts.)


🔘 Standard Nebulizing Solution 🔘

Sodium Ascorbate is always recommended for use in the nebulizer, however, some people have used Ascorbic Acid and had no problems.

➡️ Mix 1/4 teaspoon of SA

➡️ with 1/4 cup of Distilled or RO water

If you only have ASCORBIC ACID, then

➡️ Mix 1/4 teaspoon of AA + 1/8 teaspoon of Baking Soda

➡️ with 1/4 cup of Distilled or RO water


*️⃣ You can always adjust ratios depending on your needs and comfort level.


It's best to store the solution in a dark glass dropper bottle but, if you don't have one, store it in a sealed glass container away from any light source. If you do use a dark dropper bottle, the solution will last for 2-3 days but we suggest mixing up a fresh batch daily for maximum effectiveness.



🔘 General Treatment Guidelines 🔘


➡️ Use some of the solution to fill the nebulizer cup to the indicated level and nebulize using the face mask or mouthpiece for 10-20 minutes 3-4 times a day until symptoms are resolved.


➡️ Start children with 5-10 minute treatment sessions until you determine how they handle it and adjust times accordingly.


*️⃣ Daily treatment times and sessions will vary depending on individual circumstances.


🔘 Purchasing A Nebulizer 🔘


➡️ We only recommend using a Compressor (Jet) nebulizer because the ultrasonic units can easily clog and stop working. There are too many brands to give recommendations for 'the best ones' so, please do your own research and comparison shopping.


➡️ Websites like 'Amazon' and 'Just Nebulizers' and 'eBay' are popular places to purchase a nebulizer. You can also find them at medical supply companies and local pharmacies.

*️⃣ There may be alternative options that are not listed here depending on which country you live in.


Nebulizing is an effective delivery system for treating asthma and other respiratory symptoms, including coughs due to colds, flu, bronchitis, RSV, Pertussis (Whooping Cough), etc...

Nebulizing Vitamin C is a fairly new treatment option for this group and it's rapidly becoming more and more popular because there is plenty of anecdotal evidence from our members who have had great success using this method along with oral dosing of Vitamin C. (You can use the group search bar to find past posts.)


🔘 Standard Nebulizing Solution 🔘

Sodium Ascorbate is always recommended for use in the nebulizer, however, some people have used Ascorbic Acid and had no problems.

➡️ Mix 1/4 teaspoon of SA

➡️ with 1/4 cup of Distilled or RO water

If you only have ASCORBIC ACID, then

➡️ Mix 1/4 teaspoon of AA + 1/8 teaspoon of Baking Soda

➡️ with 1/4 cup of Distilled or RO water


*️⃣ You can always adjust ratios depending on your needs and comfort level.


It's best to store the solution in a dark glass dropper bottle but, if you don't have one, store it in a sealed glass container away from any light source. If you do use a dark dropper bottle, the solution will last for 2-3 days but we suggest mixing up a fresh batch daily for maximum effectiveness.



🔘 General Treatment Guidelines 🔘


➡️ Use some of the solution to fill the nebulizer cup to the indicated level and nebulize using the face mask or mouthpiece for 10-20 minutes 3-4 times a day until symptoms are resolved.


➡️ Start children with 5-10 minute treatment sessions until you determine how they handle it and adjust times accordingly.


*️⃣ Daily treatment times and sessions will vary depending on individual circumstances.


🔘 Purchasing A Nebulizer 🔘


➡️ We only recommend using a Compressor (Jet) nebulizer because the ultrasonic units can easily clog and stop working. There are too many brands to give recommendations for 'the best ones' so, please do your own research and comparison shopping.


➡️ Websites like 'Amazon' and 'Just Nebulizers' and 'eBay' are popular places to purchase a nebulizer. You can also find them at medical supply companies and local pharmacies.

*️⃣ There may be alternative options that are not listed here depending on which country you live in.