Thiamine B1 Is Essential

Thiamine B1 Is Essential

Thiamine B1
March 1st 2019
“A modern deficiency of thiamine of long duration is the most important nutritional problem for the population of Europe and America”
Prof. Borsook
Nutritional surveys in the 1970s showed europe and americas showed the average child and adult to be deficient.
We have all heard about B1 in the press lately and the studies coming to light showing its effective cure of sepsis combined with Vitamin C.
Deficiency Symptoms
It only takes 20-35 days to start showing the symptoms of a B1 deficiency (Beri Beri)
Loss of appetite
Easy Fatigue
Irritability and emotional instability
As the deficiency progresses confusion and a loss of memory appears followed by gastric distress
Abdominal pains
Heart irregularities
Prickling sensations
Tenderness in the calf muscles
For therapeutic benefit a constant intake of B1 needs to be maintained. Any excess B1 is excreted through the bowel.
Food Sources
Some of the best natural sources are from meats the highest being from *Beef heart 54mg, ham 96mg and pork loin 1,04m. Good non meat sources are soy flour 82mg, split peas 87mg and brewers yeast 3.23mg.
Thiamin and the ability to learn
Ruth Flinn Harrell, Ph.D states - "The effect of added thiamine on learning tells the story of a young man that had been in an accident and had lost the power of speech and writing, dure in  his rehabilitation he suddenly made rapid improvements until he was completely well again" Dr. Harrel became intensely interested as to why this was. She carefully looked at everything in this patients environment and the only change she could see was the addition of a B vitamin product to the patients diet 5-6 days before the acceleration in learning took place. Experimenting further she then noted that white rats learned to follow mazes much more rapidly when their diet contained this product.
She then went on to work with several children who had never learned to speak and where considered so mentally handicap that language was beyond them. The addition of a B Complex was added to their diet and their learning ability improved rapidly, with two of the children developing speech and living as normal children.
Dr Harrel also conducted a six week experiment at the Presbyterian Orphans Home, Lynchburg, Virginia. One group of children received a placebo and the other received 2mg of thiamine each night. The group receiving the thiamine gained one-fourth in learning ability compared to the placebo group. Such a small amount if one vitamin produced children that were mentally and physically more capable than their fellow orphans, sadly, Dr. Harrels meticulous studies have gone largely ignored.
Bruno Minz working at Sorbonne University, Paris in 1938 observed that a cut nerve released a fluid that contained thiamine and that if the nerve was electrically stimulated it gave off 80 times more thiamine.
B1 further uses and studies
Journal of Pediatrics (September, 1944) D. W. Gelder
B1 is essential to pregnant women - especially to avoid instance of an infant with a large heart(symptom of Beriberi)
Texas State Medical Journal (May, 1943) L.P. Hightower
Advocates the administration of B1 to all patients with indefinite heart symptoms.
British Heart Journal (January, 1944) by A. Schott
This describes three cases of circulatory disturbances due to B1 deficiency caused by alcohol consumption (biggest drain in B1 levels) and diet deficiency, all respond favourably to treatment with thiamine.
Journal of the Irish Medical Irish Association C. J. O’Sullivan (April, 1952)
Lists the reasons of B1 deficiency as insufficient dietary intake, defective utilization, interference from antibiotics and increased demand in illness, fever and pregnancy.
It plays an important role in the heart and its rhythm...
Dr O’Sullivan Observed a 72 year old man suffering from bronchitis and failure of the right side of the heart with no improvement from cardiac therapy and antibiotics. Improvement was only seen once injections of 100mg of thiamine and tablets were introduced.
Alcohol and Thiamine Deficiency
Alcohol increases the need for B vitamins , alcoholic psychoses are most likely due to a lack of B1 and niacin, both of which are needed to process carbohydrates such as alcohol. B1 deficiency is first to appear of all the deficiencies an alcoholic suffers. It has been suggested that a shortage in B1 is what makes an alcoholic turn to drink in the first place, trying to satisfy a hunger for some lack with alcohol, but this increases the lack and so the cycle continues.
Other ailments that respond to B1
Herpes Zoster
Dental Pain
Morning Sickness (100% of cases cured by 5th injection of 100mg)
Higher doses of Thiamine are needed to address deficiencies, supported by Riboflavin (B2), potassium and magnesium.
Journal of Pediatrics (September, 1944) D. W. Gelder
Ruth Flinn Harrell, Ph.D
Bruno Minz. Sorbonne University, Paris in 1938
Journal of the Irish Medical Irish Association C. J. O’Sullivan (April, 1952)
Texas State Medical Journal (May, 1943) L.P. Hightower
British Heart Journal (January, 1944) by A. Schott
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